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Please check out our latest report on health & medical apps: Consumer Health Apps for Apple's iPhone
There are 5,820 medical, health and fitness apps available for smartphones today. Do you know what's out there? The MobiHealthNews team does.
We dug into app stores for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Nokia and Palm devices as well as third party app stores that offer apps for these and other platforms to get a full picture of the health and medical app landscape.
How many apps are for clinicians?
How many apps are for patients and consumers?
Which platform has more apps aimed at managing diabetes? Hypertension? Weight loss? Women's health?
The report answers these questions and more. App developers can leverage this report to forge their launch strategies and find ways to differentiate their offerings. Care providers looking to launch their own apps will gain comprehensive insight into the current app marketplace for patients and clinicians alike. The first MobiHealthNews paid research report will equip you with the data you need to best position your app in the market today. CHECK OUT OUR LATEST APPS REPORT.
Table of Contents for The World of Health & Medical Apps
1. Cover
2. Table of contents
3. Letter From the Editor
5. iPhone Section Introduction: Apple AppStore
6. iPhone CH1: iPhone Medical Reference Apps
7. iPhone CH2: iPhone Cardio & Fitness Apps
8. iPhone CH3: iPhone Stress Apps
9. iPhone CH4: iPhone Diet Apps
10. iPhone CH5: iPhone Calculator Apps
11. iPhone CH6: iPhone Mental Health Apps
12. iPhone CH7: iPhone Chronic Disease Management Apps
13. iPhone CH8: iPhone Prenatal Apps
14. iPhone CH9: iPhone Strength Apps
15. iPhone CH10: iPhone Sleep Apps
16. iPhone CH11: iPhone Emergency Apps
17. iPhone CH12: iPhone EMR Apps
18. iPhone CH13: iPhone Smoking Cessation Apps
19. iPhone CH14: iPhone Medication Adherence Apps
20: iPhone CH15: iPhone Women's Health Apps
21. Android Section: Google's Android Market
22. BlackBerry Section: BlackBerry App World
23. Palm Pre Section: Palm Pre's App Catalog
24. Nokia Section: Nokia OVI Store
25. GetJar Section: GetJar's Third Party Appstore
26. Report Conclusion: Closing thoughts on the World of Health and Medical Apps
Selected Diagram Titles
Diagram 2: Breakdown of All Health-related Apps by User Type
Diagram 4: Average Price of iPhone Health Apps by User Type
Diagram 8: Breakdown of Intended Users for "Medical" Category of iPhone Apps
Diagram 14: The 13 Subcategories for Medical Reference iPhone Apps
Diagram 15: Price Distribution for Cardio Fitness iPhone Apps
Diagram 24: The 9 Subcategories for Medical Calculator iPhone Apps
Diagram 59: Breakdown of BlackBerry App World Health Apps by User Type
Diagram 64: Price Distribution for Palm Pre Health Apps
Diagram 68: Number of Downloads for GetJar Health Apps