Dr Chrono iPad EHR
Sproxil goes to India: Sproxil announced on Tuesday the launch of their Mobile Product Authentication (MPA) service in India, which enables consumers to verify the authenticity of a pharmaceutical by texting a unique code on the drug label to the manufacturers. Sproxil previously established mobile-based anti-counterfeit services in parts of Africa and has already sold millions of anti-counterfeit labels to several global pharmaceutical companies. More
Dr Chrono qualifies for stimulus incentives: iPad EHR provider Dr Chrono now allows users to qualify for up to $44,000 in government incentives as part of the HITECH Act. The act specifies that physicians can qualify for $44,000 or more in economic stimulus incentives for adopting a certified EHR like Dr Chrono. The government is putting in $19.2 billion dollars to help move all doctors off paper records onto electronic systems. More
Mobile fitness startup gets new spokesperson: MapMyRIDE, which provides mobile-based training and mapping applications for cyclists, announced that Levi Leipheimer, winner of the 2011 Tour de Suisse, has signed a two-year partnership to serve as spokesperson for its pioneering products. More
Devices reportedly protects pacemakers from hackers: Researchers at MIT and University of Massachusetts-Amherst have collaborated to design a new system that would help prevent hacking of wirelessly connected medical devices, such as pacemakers. Such a device would act as a jammer "shield" against unauthorized signals in the implant's operating frequency. Technology Review
Yet another smart(er) shoe: A company called XSens has debuted ForceShoe, sensor-packed shoes with a variety of applications, including helping stroke victims with their recovery. Each shoe contains an array of sensors beneath the heel and sole to measure forces, together with proprietary inertial and magnetic trackers. A transmitter ("XBus Master") can push data in real-time to a computer, which in turn can run XSens's own software for access to raw data on the fly. Technology Review