Slideshow: Swine Flu apps for iPhone round-up

By Brian Dolan
11:59 am

Swine FluEarlier this week we wrote about IntuApps' forthcoming Swine Flu Tracker application, which has gotten a huge amount of press as one way the iPhone is helping public health officials disseminate information about the H1N1 (Swine Flu) virus. Of course, IntuApps' application isn't available yet -- Apple is still reviewing it, the company said.

You may not realize it, but there are actually two Swine Flu apps already in the AppStore. We also heard about one more that's in the works to help physicians and other medical workers keep up-to-date on all things Swine Flu. 

Check out our slideshow round-up of the Swine Flu apps for iPhone -- both up-and-coming and already here.
