GE radiology app; Emota for the elderly

By Brian Dolan
09:56 am

GE offers iPhone app IMAGES: GE Healthcare has released a new iPhone app for radiologists called IMAGES. The app launch follows closely on the heels of its consumer wellness app Morsel, which launched last month. Medgadget gets the sense that the app is more targeted toward GE's sales staff than their customers -- radiologists. Here's the standard Apple commercial for the app below:

Apple hires wearable technologies guru: While on the topic of Apple, the Cupertino-based company has hired an expert in "wearable computing" that may help Apple develop medical applications and devices. Wearable computing devices often make use of wireless body area networks, which are key to medical wireless sensor solutions. Of course, the officialese on this one is that Richard DeVaul is working on highly secret projects. DeVaul created iPhone app StepTrakLite, a pedometer app. More

EmotaEmota for the Elderly: Emota, a new program designed to keep elderly people socially engaged and cognitively active, will soon be available in a limited beta launch. The new startup will offer its application, a simple and graphically centered application that will run on touch screen picture frames and tablet computers like Apple's iPad, leverages lessons learned from computer games, social networks, social screensavers and video conferencing. The app also allow care givers and others to stay in touch via their smartphones. These mobile apps will help the care givers provide emotional, social and physical support when needed. More
