It's launched: iPad for healthcare roundup

By Brian Dolan
04:45 am

Apple iPadApple began selling its new device, the iPad Saturday morning. Here's a quick round-up of some of the health and medical related posts from around the blogosphere about the device's launch:

iFund looks to iPad, healthcare: One venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins established a fund for iPhone applications a few years ago that is called the iFund. TechCrunch caught up with Kleiner Perkins partner John Doerr to discuss whether the iPad will change the type of apps that will be successful through iTunes. Naturally, healthcare came up, but Doerr played coy: "Question: Is there something in stealth with healthcare? Doerr: No comment. Question: Will there be many new ideas for healthcare? Doerr: I can't wait to see what we get." More

One in ten iPad buyers in San Diego from healthcare industry? HealthLeaders has a worthwhile piece that polled iPad buyers in line in San Diego yesterday: The publication estimated one in 10 people in line were in the healthcare industry. The iPad's "toy like appearance" will help healthcare workers explain medical issues to children in a "less scary way," one medical professional told HealthLeaders. Another -- this time a neurosurgeon -- said he hopes the device will save trips to the computer monitor to review MRI and CT images. Interesting reading: More

Analyst: iPad to be popular in healthcare and education: Professionals in health care and education, as well as students, will probably be among the biggest purchasers of the iPad, analyst Charlie Wolf from Needham & Co. told BusinessWeek. Also, the iPad "is not going to run into the kind of resistance in the business market because it's a new category," Wolf said, pointing to how some business were reluctant to switch to iPhones after a longstanding agreement with BlackBerry. More

Genomes and iPads: Genomics company Illumina's CEO Jay Flatley told Xconomy that he was excited about getting an iPad over the weekend -- Flatley told Xconomy it will be a better reading device than Amazon's Kindle. Last year Flatley envisioned Illumina's future iPhone application for genomics and preventative care. More from Xconomy; More from Flatley's 2009 iPhone presentation

Milwaukee's Business Times blog leads with this sentence for their iPad coverage: "If Apple Inc.'s iPad lives up to its hype, it could change the way business is done, the way medical records are kept, the way presentations are viewed and the way people read their newspapers, books and magazines." More
