Blockchain platform Healthereum Life Portfolio incentivizes appointment adherence with tokens

The new platform gives patients tokens for showing up to appointments, answering surveys and completing other health-related activities.
By Laura Lovett
01:47 pm

A new blockchain-enabled platform aiming to curb doctor’s appointments no-shows with redeemable incentives launched in beta yesterday. 

Dubbed Healthereum Life Portfolio, the system will give patients tokens for showing up to appointment, answering surveys and completing other health-related activities. The healthcare provider can specifically create a value for the tokens. Then the tokens can be cashed in for money off medical services. 

The platform also lets patients see a scheduler where they can view, change, cancel or confirm an appointment. Additionally, doctors are able to send messages to their patients based on a diagnosis. 


Patient no-shows have become a chronic problem in the healthcare space. It costs the system $150 billion annually, according to vender reports. 

In addition to the money lost by patient no-shows, some studies have linked it to health complications. In a recent study by Science Daily, researchers from Lancaster University found that missing GP visits was associated with early death. 

“Missed appointments represent a significant risk marker for all-cause mortality, particularly in patients with mental health conditions,” authors of that study wrote. 


Incentive-based blockchain technology has often been employed in the digital health space. Clinicoin offers its tokens as an activity and health rewards system, and for participating in research studies. 

Others in the space use it for specific actions. For example, Sweatcoin is a free app that tracks users’ outdoor steps using their phones’ accelerometer and GPS locator. 
