For the past three years two topics have steadily grown in importance for healthcare providers. The first is meaningful use. The second: mobility. Nearly half of the physicians in the United States use tablets, and more than 80 percent of them have smartphones. Every healthcare facility is working to achieve meaningful use.
While these two discussions have largely inhabited different orbits, that is set to change. Mobility will help healthcare providers achieve meaningful use, and in some cases meaningful use initiatives will drive mobile device deployments at healthcare facilities. How will these two mega trends shape each other in the years ahead?
Find out by tuning into our next webinar: Meaningful Uses for Mobile. It's the second online must-attend event produced by MobiHealthNews this year. Join MobiHealthNews and the event's sponsor IQMax for this complimentary webinar to discuss how meaningful use and mobility are two trends that are beginning to intersect.
Register here and be sure to tune in Thursday, March 29th at 2PM ET.