My Possible Self has partnered with Good Thinking to give Londoners innovative access to improve their mental wellbeing.
The NHS-approved online mental wellbeing service, Good Thinking, has collaborated with the app My Possible Self to create a tool that employs clinically proven techniques to tackle depression, stress and anxiety. Users of the London-based app have access to 24-hour resources that enable them to be more aware of their mood and behavioural patterns.
The app launched at the end of 2017 and was listed in the NHS Apps Library in summer 2018. This partnership will allow Londoners to access verified help and will aid them in being more involved in improving their mental health. The app is available for both individual use and in companies for employee wellbeing.
My Possible Self is part of the DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme, aiming to advance the integration of technology in London’s NHS organisations. One in every four adults in the UK experiences mental illness according to NHS data, with London having the highest proportion of people with anxiety in the UK. The NHS spends £550m annually to support people with mental health issues. As a result, partnerships such as these are more necessary than ever before to ease the burden on NHS services and allow patients to be more in control of their own health.
Dr Richard Graham, Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director for Good Thinking, commented: "We know that one in four Londoners is going to experience a mental wellbeing problem in their lifetime, and many people are looking for new ways to proactively be mentally well. Our goal at Good Thinking is to find apps that contain the content that will make a difference to your mental health, but also give you a good user experience.
"We think My Possible Self succeeds in both of these areas, and are excited to be bringing My Possible Self to the attention of Londoners, free of charge. We really think it can make a difference."
Jenny Thomas, DigitalHealth.London Accelerator programme director, said: "It is fantastic to see more and more NHS organisations adopting new technologies to solve some of their long-standing challenges.
"Mental health waiting lists can be long, and this partnership with My Possible Self will help to put mental healthcare back into the hands of patients."