CoverImage_230State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2010

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Need to catch up on mobile health developments in the third quarter? Then this MobiHealthNews State of the Industry report is a must-read. In 40+ pages, we have pulled together the most important events in mHealth that occurred between July and September 2010, including more than 30 deals, top-line results from a number of research reports, a handful of venture capital investments, the most important FDA clearances and much, much more. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE!

So, was it an important quarter for mobile health?

During Q3 we learned that payors and mobile operators had decided to come to the table. Skeptics of mHealth emerged with stern warnings and ultimately helpful commentaries. Analysts called consumer health apps "faddy" and "immature." Still, dozens of deals made headlines during the quarter and a handful of startups raked in new investments. The US federal government, care providers, wireless operators, payers, pharma companies and consumer health companies each ramped up their mHealth activities. Time will tell, but Q3 may be remembered as the period during which mobile health finally began to hum. This MobiHealthNews quarterly report is the third of four planned reports that will cover each three-month period of 2010.

Table of Contents:

Ch. 1 Introduction: A mobile healthcare system for the world's billions
Ch. 2 What will they pay and other mHealth metrics
Ch. 3 The "at-risk" party seeks patient engagement
Ch. 4 Care providers open up (maybe just a little bit)
Ch. 5 Mobile operators begin to find their place
Ch. 6 Pharma embraces apps, devices and eyes mobile marketing
Ch. 7 Consumer health still faddy and immature?
Ch. 8 FDA clearances and baby steps toward mHealth regulatory clarity
Ch. 9 Few investments announced, but new funding opportunities emerge
Ch. 10 Deals announced in the third quarter
Ch. 11 Conclusion: Tamped down the hype, renewed focus