State of the Industry: Digital Health Q4/Year-end 2013 ($199)

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2013
Slowly and surely the mobile and digital health market is maturing. In 2013 a number of companies shutdown after running out of money and a record 17 startups and companies got acquired. With increased focus on care coordination, between office visits data capture, and outcomes, digital health companies are beginning to find an audience with providers and payers making the tradition to accountable care. Wearable as a major technology trend is helping digital health find a prominent place in mass culture. Fitness trackers continue to emerge, health incubators keep churning out startups, investment dollars appear to be climbing year-over-year. And MobiHealthNews was there to cover it all, each and everyday. So, if you need to catch up on mobile health developments during the fourth quarter — look no further.
Published: January 2014 More info here >> Add to Cart

103 FDA Regulated Mobile Medical Apps ($295)

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2013
How many mobile medical apps have been cleared by the FDA? That is the question that served as the premise for MobiHealthNews' ground-breaking report at the end of 2012, which has now been updated with more than two dozen newly cleared and discovered regulated medical apps. As of the end of 2013, MobiHealthNews has found more than 103 mobile medical apps in FDA's databases for Class I, Class II, and Class III devices. (Yes, contrary to FDA's own testimony to Congress, there is at least one Class III mobile medical app!)
Published: November 2013 More info here >> Add to Cart

Consumer Health Apps by the Numbers 2013 ($99)

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2013
This year we updated our total app counts and topline analyses for our research subscribers. Our 2013 Consumer Health Apps By the Numbers report is a mini-MobiReseach document that sums up our findings and compiles topline findings from other health app-related research and surveys that we reported on during the past two years. Since our mini 6-page report is an update to our 2012 Consumer Health Apps report, and might function as a new, fresh introduction to that report, MobiHealthNews is offering this special package — both the full 2012 apps report and the mini 2013 report for just $99!
Published: October 2013 More info here >> Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2013 ($199)

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2013
Looking to catch up on the most important news, events, deals, investments and mobile health product launches from the third quarter of 2013? Then the MobiHealthNews 2013 Q3 State of the Industry Report is just what you are looking for. We have pulled together the most important events in mobile health that occurred between July and September 2013 along with a roundup of the record number of acquisitions, regulatory clearances and venture capital investments that were announced during the third quarter of the year.
Published: October 9, 2013 More info here >> Add to Cart

205 Hospital-branded Apps for Patients ($295)

It's been about four years since healthcare providers began to seriously consider mobile applications as a new channel for communicating with their patients. In that time hospitals have experimented with many app-enabled patient engagement pilots, and some -- mostly quietly -- launched patient-facing apps. Over the course of the past few months MobiHealthNews has been scouring the Apple and Google app stores for these apps as part of the data gathering efforts of our newest report: The 205 Hospital-branded Apps for Patients.
Published: September 19, 2013 Add to Cart Add to Cart

Kinect the Docs - How Microsoft's video game technology is changing healthcare($99)

The Microsoft Kinect began as an alternate controller for the company's Xbox 360 game console, but developers have recognized that the motion sensing camera has huge potential for many industries — including, increasingly, healthcare. This report will get you up to speed on how entrepreneurs and researchers are using the Kinect platform for physical therapy, surgery, consumer wellness, autism spectrum disorder screening, aging in place, and much, much more. MobiHealthNews talked to sources from across the industry to gather the intelligence compiled in this report — just in time for next year's launch of the new Kinect, often called the Kinect 2.
Published: September 9, 2013 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q2 2013 ($199)

As always, our must-read quarterly update report includes a round-up of the mobile health startups that received investments during the second quarter of the year, a discussion of the most important trends that emerged, and a comprehensive discussion of the new digital health metrics from surveys, polls, and other market research publicly released during the past few months. The Q2 report also includes discussions of the most important mobile health news and announcements from health plans, healthcare providers, pharma companies, mobile operators, government agencies, and healthcare accelerators and incubators.
Published: June 27, 2013 Add to Cart Add to Cart

iPad vs. the Tablets in Healthcare ROUND THREE ($199)

Since 2010 Apple's iPad has helped make the tablet form factor a dominant device in clinical settings, especially among physicians. The recent addition of the iPad mini, which fits into a standard lab coat pocket, has helped boost adoption further. How long can the iPad's reign last? How are healthcare providers using their tablets in their practices today? Which are the top tablets healthcare providers should be considering when deciding a deployment? Which tablets might physicians be bringing into IT departments in the coming months? This 37-page report answers these questions and more with a full round-up of healthcare provider survey data that published over the course of the past two years along with numerous examples of specific use cases for tablets in healthcare today.
Published: May 10, 2013 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Q1 2013 ($199)

This report not only includes a round-up of the mobile health startups that received investments during the first three months of the year, but also a collection of all the deals and partnerships MobiHealthNews reported on during those months. Our newest quarterly report kicks off with a discussion of the most important trends that emerged in the first quarter and includes a comprehensive discussion of the dozens of new top-line digital health metrics publicly released by data research companies. This report also includes discussions of the most important mobile health news and announcements from health plans, healthcare providers, pharma companies, mobile operators, government agencies, and — for the first time — healthcare accelerators and incubators.
Published: April 30, 2013 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Q4 2012/Year-End ($199)

In the few weeks since 2012 drew to a close it has become clear that the past 12 months were a banner period of activity for mobile and digital health. Over the course of the last year the term "digital health" rose to prominence; BYOD (bring your own device) continued to plague CIOs and healthcare provider IT departments — especially with the advent of the more "pocketable" iPad mini; meanwhile, "meaningful use" requirements announced in 2012 pointed to a focus on patient engagement for 2014 and beyond; reports of payors beginning to reimburse for mobile-enabled therapies emerged; wearable devices multiplied; health incubators spread; and much, much more happened...
Published: February 7, 2013 Add to Cart Add to Cart

75 FDA Regulated Mobile Medical Apps ($295)

How many mobile medical apps have been cleared by the FDA? That is the question that served as the premise for this ground-breaking report. MobiHealthNews found more than 75 mobile apps mentioned in the summary descriptions that the FDA provides in its 510(k) database. What kinds of apps have received FDA clearance to date? Is FDA clearance for mobile medical apps increasing in frequency? Click here for more info
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State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2012 ($199)

There was something unusual about the summer of 2012. Unlike previous years the flow of news during the third quarter actually picked up. Trends sharpened. Investors announced fundings. Deals were forged. If you are looking to catch up on the most important announcements, commentaries, and mobile health product launches from the third quarter of 2012, then you need to read the MobiHealthNews 2012 Q3 State of the Industry Report. Click here for more info
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State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q2 2012 ($199)

Looking to catch up on the most important announcements, commentaries, and mobile health product launches from the second quarter of 2012? Then the MobiHealthNews 2012 Q2 State of the Industry Report is just the ticket. We have pulled together the most important events in mobile health that occurred between April and June 2012 along with a roundup of the regulatory clearances, venture capital investments and the deals, partnerships and collaborations that were announced during the second quarter of the year.
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Mobile Operators and Digital Health ($295)

What is the mobile network operator's role in mobile health? That is a question that has been asked over and over again during the past few years. The answer is often as varied as the number of mobile operators supporting digital health initiatives today. MobiHealthNews teamed up with noted analyst Jody Ranck to develop this report, Mobile Operators and Digital Health, a comprehensive snapshot of mobile network operators' healthcare activities in the United States and abroad. Click here for more info
Published: Sept. 13, 2012 Add to Cart Add to Cart

An Analysis of Consumer Health Apps for Apple's iPhone 2012 ($295)

This report includes an analysis of almost three years worth of data culled from Apple's AppStore. As of April 2012 there are already more than 13,600 iPhone health and fitness apps available for consumers. MobiHealthNews' Analysis of Consumer Health Apps 2012 is an exclusive look at the types of health and fitness apps currently available in the AppStore. MobiHealthNews breaks down the consumer market for iPhone health apps into 80 different subcategories, which we have been tracking for close to three years. Click here for more info.
Published: July 11, 2012 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q1 2012 ($199)

Need to catch up on the most important announcements, commentaries, and mobile health product launches from the first quarter of 2010? Look no further than MobiHealthNews 2012 Q1 State of the Industry Report. We have pulled together the most important events in mHealth that occurred between January and March 2012 along with a roundup of the regulatory clearances, venture capital investments and the deals, partnerships and collaborations that were announced during the first three months of the year. Click here for more info.
Published: Apr. 16, 2012 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q4 2011/Year-end ($199)

Following the breakout year that mobile health had in 2010, the industry built on that momentum in 2011. Regulatory guidances, unexpected acquisitions, half a billion in investments, much-needed talent grabs, and more. This report covers the year that was. Health plans began to step up and launch mobile tools for members developed in-house or through acquisitions. Healthcare providers adopted tablet devices in droves and brought them into work. Mobile operators added C-suite healthcare expertise, Silicon Valley discovered healthcare and wellness, and regulators... Click here for more info.
Published: Jan. 23, 2012 Add to Cart Add to Cart

mObesity ($295)

Mobile-enabled fitness devices and dieting smartphone apps have dominated headlines in the past year. The rise of Silicon Valley-based health startups, which overwhelmingly focus on wellness rather than clinical offerings, has inspired a flurry of investment activity. While many of these new ventures aim to make it easier, more fun, and more engaging for people to diet and exercise, some of them also aim to put a dent in the country's biggest health issue: obesity. Click here for more info.
Published: Dec. 26, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2011 ($199)

The third quarter of 2011 had a number of newsworthy events. In this report, MobiHealthNews highlights all the news, deals, and investments that occurred during July, August, and September of 2011, along with our picks for the most notable product launches, most important acquisitions, most notable investment deals, and our top five key takeaways.Which mobile operator broke up with one of its remote health monitoring partners? Which fall protection vendor completely shifted gears by tabling its aging in place wares to offer up a fitness device instead? Click here for more info.
Published: Oct. 3, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

Professional Medical Apps for Apple's iPhone ($295)

By the summer of 2012, MobiHealthNews predicts that the number of iPhone apps for healthcare professionals will jump from almost 4,000 today to nearly 6,000 apps. This report provides segmentation data, trendspotting, and more predictions based on a close analysis of the 4,000 healthcare professional apps currently available in Apple's AppStore.The report highlights more than 200 different top or noteworthy apps by name, and breaks down these thousands of apps into about 20 medical professional subcategories, including EMRs, remote patient monitoring, and clinical consultation. Click here for more info.
Published: Oct. 3, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

Consumer Health Apps for Apple's iPhone ($295)

This report includes an analysis of 18 months worth of data culled from Apple's AppStore. Based on growth trends, by August 2012 there will be more than 13,000 iPhone health apps available for consumers. MobiHealthNews' Consumer Health Apps For Apple's iPhone report is an exclusive look at the types of health apps currently available in the AppStore. How quickly are each of these subcategories of apps growing? What is the average pricepoint of each? How has the world of health and medical apps changed over the past 18 months? Click here for more info.
Published: Sept. 22, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q2 2011 ($199)

The second quarter of 2011 brought increased funding, more FDA cleared devices, additional partnerships and unprecedented attention to mobile health. The US federal government was particularly busy during these past three months with new service launches, public-private partnerships, and the first mHealth pilots in two Beacon Communities. Mobile operators continued to push into the territory of health IT vendors while health plans and others continued to lean on the mobile channel to better engage consumers. Click here for more info.
Published: July 12, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q1 2011 ($199)

The first three months of 2011 brought increased funding, more FDA cleared devices, additional partnerships and unprecedented attention to mobile health. Yes, even the President of the United States mentioned it during his State Of the Union Address. One vendor announced it was working with astronauts to send its mobile health device to space! More importantly healthcare providers, mobile operators, health plans and others continued to band together to create mobile-enabled health services while regulators began to wipe away some of the cloudiness that still surrounds their clearance guidelines. Looking to catch up on the most important recent developments in mobile health? Click here for more info.
Published: April 14, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

The Coming Medical Tablet War: iPad, Android, BlackBerry, HP and others vie to dominate in healthcare ($199)

In 2010 the iPad convinced many physicians and hospital CIOs that it is the best suited tablet device for healthcare settings. In 2011 a number of other tablet makers have more than a fighting chance to unseat it. This report, "The Coming Medical Tablet War: iPad, Android, BlackBerry, HP and Others Vie to Dominate in Healthcare," chronicles the advent and adoption of tablets in healthcare and explores the past, present and future of medical tablets. In these pages are deep dive profiles of the major tablets launching in 2011 and in-depth use case section for tablet deployments in healthcare...
Published: March 8, 2011 Add to Cart Add to Cart

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q4/ 2010 Year-End ($199)

What a year 2010 turned out to be. Widely considered to be THE breakout year for mobile health — especially according to events organizers — there's no doubt that healthcare providers, consumer health companies, mobile operators, pharma companies, payors, regulators and many more made 2010 this industry's most newsworthy yet. If you need to catch up on mobile health developments during the fourth quarter — look no further. We have pulled together the most important events in mHealth that occurred between October and December 2010, plus a roundup of ALL of the venture capital investments, deals, partnerships and collaborations that were announced throughout the entire year.
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State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q3 2010 ($99)

Need to catch up on mobile health developments in the third quarter? Then this MobiHealthNews State of the Industry report is a must-read. In 40+ pages, we have pulled together the most important events in mHealth that occurred between July and September 2010, including more than 30 deals, top-line results from a number of research reports, a handful of venture capital investments, the most important FDA clearances and much, much more. During Q3 we learned that payors and mobile operators had decided to come to the table. Skeptics of mHealth emerged with stern warnings and ultimately helpful commentaries. Analysts called consumer health apps "faddy" and "immature." Still, dozens...
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The Fastest Growing and Most Successful Health & Medical Apps ($295)

This report examines the current state of health and medical related apps through Apple's AppStore, BlackBerry's App World and the apps available for Google's Android platform. This report builds on our inaugural health apps study: "The World of Health and Medical Apps", which we published in February 2010.How has the world of health and medical apps changed in the past six months? Which types of apps have seen the most growth between February and September of 2010? According to Apple's ranking system of Top 1000 apps in its Health category...
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State of the industry: Mobile Health Q2 2010 ($99)

Need to catch up on mobile health developments in the second quarter? Then this MobiHealthNews State of the Industry report is a must-read. In 30+ pages, we have pulled together the most important events in mHealth that occurred between April and June 2010, including more than 40 deals, top-line results from a number of research reports, a half dozen of venture capital investments, and much, much more. So, was it an important quarter for mobile health? The launch of the first app store approved Bluetooth-enabled medical device app...
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FDA Regulation of Mobile Health (Free)

Bradley Merrill Thompson, an FDA medical device regulation expert and lawyer with EpsteinBecker, has penned a series of very popular articles on mobile health (mHealth) regulation for MobiHealthNews during the past year. Thompson's FDA regulation series pulled from FDA workshop meetings, political speeches, questions posed by mHealth luminaries, and his own vast wealth of knowledge regarding FDA policies. At Thompson's request, and with great pleasure, MobiHealthnews has compiled the series on mHealth regulation into this free special report for our readers. It will quickly become a prominent text for the budding mobile health industry. Free Download--Click here!

State of the Industry: Mobile Health Q1 2010 ($99)

Looking to catch up on the most important recent developments in mobile health? Then this MobiHealthNews State of the Industry report is a must-read. In 40+ pages, we have pulled together the most important events in mHealth that occurred between January and March 2010, including more than 50 deals, top-line results from a half dozen research reports, a handful of venture capital investments, and much, much more.So, was it an important quarter for mobile health? When the number of deals tracked for a given industry during one quarter comes close...
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The World of Health and Medical Apps (out of print)

There are 5,820 medical, health and fitness apps available for smartphones today. Do you know what's out there? The MobiHealthNews team does.We dug into app stores for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Nokia and Palm devices as well as third party app stores that offer apps for these and other platforms to get a full picture of the health and medical app landscape.How many apps are for clinicians? How many apps are for...
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Mobile Health: 2009 State of the Industry Year-end Report (Free)

It's clear now that 2009 was a big year for wireless health. In many ways it was this industry's break out year. Activity in the sector quickly ramped up as the second half of 2009 saw nearly a 50 percent rise in the number of deals inked for wireless health joint ventures, acquisitions and pilots during the first half of 2009. Likewise, twice as many venture capital investments (10) were announced in the second half of 2009, than were announced in the first half (five) of the year. (We suspect a good number were just kept quiet.) This report contains nearly all of the wireless health market metrics publicly released this past year as well as a round-up of other startups that received funding in '09. Free Download--Click here!