acne cure apps

By  Brian Dolan 02:00 am November 13, 2012
At the beginning of the year I received a call from Pulitzer-prize winning journalist and investigative journalism professor Rochelle Sharpe, who was planning to begin a project that looked at some of the worst medical apps available -- or previously available -- in app stores. Sharpe was working with a small group of Boston University journalism students to comb through Apple's AppStore and...
By  Brian Dolan 02:32 am October 13, 2011
The Wall Street Journal published a report  last summer that questioned whether "toning" sneakers like Skechers Shape-Ups or Reebok's EasyTones really help users get in better shape. The article included two links to case studies on the respective sneaker makers' sites that touted the various fitness benefits provided by the sneakers. The sneakermakers actually asked the WSJ to update the article...