Autism and Beyond

By  Jonah Comstock 02:03 pm June 28, 2016
We wrote last week that, at MobiHealthNews 2016, Duke Director of Mobile Strategy Dr. Ricky Bloomfield brought breaking news from WWDC that Apple would soon add HealthKit support for the HL7 Continuity of Care Document to iOS 10. But that tidbit, exciting as it was, was only a small part of Bloomfield’s talk, in which he shared some early anecdotes and triumphs from Duke’s early forays into both...
By  Jonah Comstock 11:27 am November 9, 2015
Duke Medicine is one of the organizations that recently launched a ResearchKit app in the second wave of iPhone-enabled clinical trials. At the HIMSS Connected Health Conference, Dr. Ricky Bloomfield, Director of Mobile Technology Strategy and Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Duke University, gave some advice to other organizations that might be considering a ResearchKit...