BlackBerry 10

By  Jonah Comstock 02:46 am March 5, 2013
In the month since BlackBerry's global rollout of the Z10, the first smartphone running on its new operating system, began, BlackBerry has built a steady stream of hype about its daunting would-be comeback, with reports coming in that half of Canadian buyers and one third of purchasers in the UK are switching over from Apple or Android. At HIMSS in New Orleans, Vice President for Global Sales...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:49 pm January 30, 2013
Research in Motion (RIM) finally renamed itself "BlackBerry" after its signature product, even as it launched its much-awaited iPhone/Android competitor: the BlackBerry 10 operating system, touchscreen BlackBerry Z10 and keyboard-equipped BlackBerry Q10. The launch has been described as a Hail Mary pass for the struggling company, a last chance for a comeback that the company hopes could put it...