consumer privacy

By  Piers Ford 09:43 am April 26, 2020
Deploying contact tracing earlier in the UK would have saved lives, an epidemiologist working with the government on the forthcoming NHS tracing app has told the BBC. Speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on 26 April, Professor Christophe Fraser from the Oxford Big Data Institute said he thought lives would have been saved if a contact tracing policy had been pursued earlier in the outbreak. “I worked...
By  Jonah Comstock 09:03 am October 30, 2014
Employers are turning more and more to preventative wellness programs to keep down their employee's eventual healthcare costs, including biometric screenings to determine early risk factors. But when those screenings are mandatory, and incentivized through sanctions for opting out rather than rewards for opting in, does that cross the line into violating employee's privacy? Has the employer...