Diabetic Macular Edema

Point-of-Care AI-DR
By  Adam Ang 01:51 am November 11, 2022
The Industrial Technology Research Institute, a non-profit R&D organisation in Taiwan, has unveiled its AI-assisted system for detecting diabetic eye diseases. WHAT IT'S ABOUT Point-of-care AI-DR can instantly diagnose diabetic retinopathy and diabetic eye oedema in five to 10 seconds. It can locate from fundus images four main lesions – microaneurysms, haemorrhages, soft exudates, and hard...
Diabetic Macular Edema, Alleye, age-related macular degeneration, bayer
By  Ahmed El Sherif 04:32 am September 3, 2021
Bayer Middle East has introduced its Alleye Home Monitoring Sponsorship Programme to the Egyptian healthcare sector, it has been confirmed. The global pharma giant is reportedly working with some of the country’s top-rated eye hospitals to “support Egypt’s ophthalmologists in the new era” of virtual care for patients with either Diabetic Macular Edema [DME] – a complication of diabetic...