doctor reviews

By  Jonah Comstock 02:40 pm April 27, 2018
The Yelp for doctors that consumers have been waiting for might just be Yelp itself, according to a new report from the Manhattan Institute released last week and presented today at Health Datapalooza in Washington, DC. The report was funded by the New York State Health Foundation. Researchers looked at a sample of 200-to-300 New York State hospitals, comparing their scores on Yelp with data on...
By  Jonah Comstock 10:57 am August 31, 2015
Millennials are more likely than baby boomers to crowdsource their choice of physician, both online and in-person with friends, according to a new 3,000-person survey from Nuance. "We know a huge number of patients today are looking up symptoms and health information online, so it’s just a matter of time until they shop for physicians and communicate grievances that way, too,” Dr. Tony Oliva, ...