healthcare startups

By  Jonah Comstock 02:00 pm December 17, 2018
According to IDC, 20 percent of healthcare organizations will be using blockchain by 2020. So should startups in the healthcare space be using it now? Well, not necessarily. While many digital health startups are putting blockchain to good use, for others it might be premature, or even extraneous. “I think companies over the last couple years have been asking the question ‘I want to use...
By  Jonah Comstock 04:43 am May 19, 2014
Photo courtesy Health 2.0   Getting early pilots, and the right pilots, can make a big difference in the success of early stage healthcare startups. That's why a number of digital health accelerators focus on forming strategic partnerships with hospitals and other stakeholders that can serve as pilot sites for their customers, including PilotHealth NYC, which is entirely focused on matching...
By  Brian Dolan 09:50 am May 15, 2014
This week the Massachusetts Institute of Technology hosted its MIT$100K entrepreneurship competition's finale event, where two health startups Disease Diagnostic Group (DDG) and RapidSOS took prizes. DDG, which has developed a reusable, magneto-optical malaria diagnostic test that patients can use themselves, took the grand prize and made out with about $145,000 in total prize money. RapidSOS,...