iPad in Healthcare

By  Jonah Comstock 07:52 am May 13, 2013
Over the last three years, tablets have taken the world of healthcare by storm. Manhattan Research's "Taking the Pulse" survey saw tablet adoption among physicians rising from 30 percent in 2010, to 62 percent in 2011, to 72 percent in 2012. Adoption will continue to ramp up as the opportunities to use tablets in the hospital increase, not just for doctors but for nurses, hospital administrators...
By  Brian Dolan 09:06 am August 26, 2010
Perhaps more than any other quote, Kaiser Permanente senior IT manager Sean Chai's recent quote in the Wall Street Journal sums up how a good number of healthcare professionals feel about Apple's iPad: “Apple didn’t design this for the health-care industry. But it’s a tremendous form factor.” Form factor plus access to thousands of medical apps (more than 300 medical apps developed specifically...