
By  Jonah Comstock 03:08 pm March 14, 2019
Virta Health, the company that controversially claims to reverse Type 2 diabetes using a combination of diet and digitally-powered management efforts, has hired a big name in the digital health space as its new head of commercial: Derek Newell, who served as CEO of Jiff prior to its acquisition by Castlight. Newell stayed on with Castlight as president for a little over a year, according to his...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:22 pm February 14, 2019
At HIMSS19, telehealth platform company American Well unveiled the American Well 250 cart, a telehealth cart that allows physicians and patients in a hospital to connect to a wide range of specialists. The product is the first fruit of American Well’s acquisition of Avizia in April of last year. Additionally at the show, American Well announced an expanded partnership with behavioral health-...