Personal electrocardiogram maker AliveCor is seeking to ban U.S. sales of Apple Watches after claims that the tech giant infringed on its patented technology.
The company announced this week it has filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission alleging that Apple breached patent laws on three of AliveCor’s patented devices.
AliveCor asserts that Apple knowingly copied its...
Raleigh, North Carolina-based heart rate sensor company Valencell is suing both Apple and Fitbit over alleged patent infringement, and is accusing Apple of additional deceit as well.
A lawsuit filed in North Carolina yesterday alleges that Apple stole the technology that powers the heart rate sensor in the Apple Watch from Valencell, obtaining said technology through insincere partnership...
Teladoc's road to IPO may prove to be a bumpy one thanks to a new legal battle with American Well. American Well's lawsuit, filed today in Massachusetts District Court, alleges that Teladoc's technology platform willingly infringes on a 2007 American Well patent. The suit asks for triple damages plus court fees, as well as an injunction against Teladoc continuing to do business.
"Teladoc has...
AirStrip Cardiology iPad
San Antonio, Texas-based Airstrip and Camden, NJ-based mVisum recently announced that they had settled the lawsuit AirStrip brought against mVisum in October 2012 for allegedly infringing on AirStrip’s patent for remote monitoring of patient medical data on smartphones. The settlement will see mVisum continuing to sell its products as long as those products aren't...
Last week 13-year-old wearable health tracking device company BodyMedia formally served Basis Science, a startup working to bring its wearable tracking device to market, with a lawsuit that claims Basis' offering infringes on six patents held by BodyMedia in more than 100 ways. Basis filed its response and counterclaims within days.
I had a chance to discuss the suit with the CEO of BodyMedia,...