payor digital health

By  Brian Dolan 01:32 pm September 11, 2015
by Jonah Comstock Telehealth is officially in its heyday. With Teladoc's recent IPO, major recent venture rounds for MDLive, DoctorOnDemand, and a slew of official guidelines out last year from organizations like the American Medical Association, the Federation of State Medical Boards, and the American Academy of Pediatrics, it's hard to ignore the fast-growing popularity of virtual doctor visits...
By  Brian Dolan 11:01 am February 20, 2015
An October report from the Psilos Group suggested that payors now need to figure out how to better serve individuals, not just as end users but as customers. In the last six months, we've seen payors doing just that, with almost every major payor upgrading its apps to bring added features to their members and other consumers, or potential members. A number of payors partnered with Samsung to...