Pop Health Forum 2016

By  Jonah Comstock 05:03 pm September 16, 2016
There are two pieces to making apps for mental health that work, according to David Mohr, director of the Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine: a human element and making the app as low-touch as possible. At the HIMSS Pop Health Forum in Chicago this week, Mohr shared data from a number of studies to demonstrate his point. He...
By  Tom Sullivan 03:18 pm September 14, 2016
Despite so many apps and devices available today, and their promise to help consumers better manager their own health, patient engagement is still both art and science.   "Patient engagement is whatever the patient thinks it is," said Frederick Muench, director of digital health intervention in the Department of Psychiatry at Northwell Health. "If we start at that point, work backward by figuring...
By  Jonah Comstock 05:00 pm September 13, 2016
As the Chief Experience Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, you might expect Adrienne Boissy to be a champion for the health system's many mobile apps. But, at the Pop Health Forum in Chicago this week, Boissy took a different tack, arguing that apps by themselves are not a strategy, and can get in the way of a positive patient experience if they're not deployed smartly. "I just learned the...