
By  Jonah Comstock 02:00 pm December 17, 2018
According to IDC, 20 percent of healthcare organizations will be using blockchain by 2020. So should startups in the healthcare space be using it now? Well, not necessarily. While many digital health startups are putting blockchain to good use, for others it might be premature, or even extraneous. “I think companies over the last couple years have been asking the question ‘I want to use...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:11 pm December 13, 2018
Credentialing is a complicated but rarely discussed problem for doctors, health systems, and health plans. When a doctor wants to start a new job or enter a new payer’s network, their prospective hirer needs to gather a wide variety of certificates and credentials, a process that can take months or even a year. Anthony Begando, CEO of the Professional Credentials Exchange (ProCredEx), is looking...