Q1 2019

By  Jonah Comstock 03:31 pm April 5, 2019
The first quarter of 2019 started off strong with 17 digital health mergers and acquisitions, including five over the course of two days at the end of February. The quarter's acquisitions included moves by ClassPass and Teladoc to bolster emerging international businesses with the acquisitions of GuavaPass and Médecin Direct, respectively, as well as a number of consolidation deals in niche...
By  MobiHealthNews 02:59 pm April 5, 2019
Kicking off the year MobiHealthNews recorded $1.4 billion in Q1 funding spread out over 49 companies. This number exceeded the amount of last year’s Q1 funding, which came in at $1.2 billion.   Earlier this week Rock Health released its funding report for the quarter racking $986 million of investments across 61 deals in the US. Meanwhile Startup Health reported $2.8 billion in funding last...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:04 pm April 3, 2019
The first quarter of 2019 is behind us and both Rock Health and Startup Health have released their funding report for the quarter. Both agree that funding for Q1 2019 is down relative to other recent years. But both see other reasons to be optimistic about digital health investment. Rock Health tracked $986 million of investment across 61 digital health deals in the US, which is lower than both...