In early 2016, Boston Children’s Hospital was among the first healthcare organizations to leverage Amazon Alexa with KidsMD, a skill that helps parents understand their child’s symptoms, seek basic medication dosing guidance, or decide whether an in-person visit is necessary. With roughly 100,000 app interactions to date, more than 200 unique weekly, and plans for a second version of the skill...
Voice assistants are finding their way into a growing number of consumer homes, leading an ever-increasing number of healthcare companies to investigate how these connected technologies can be used to improve patients' health and deliver pertinent information directly to the individual.
Unsurprisingly, building a successful consumer voice app comes with a number of challenges and considerations...
A free tool against substance abuse. Northwell Health and the Center on Addiction have jointly launched a health care app specifically designed to guide providers when screening patients for substance use disorder. Called the SBIRT (Screening, Brief, Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) for Health Professionals app, the tool contains a standardized set of questions to ask patients when trying...
While its easy to think of voice apps as just another platform to develop apps for, voice interfaces offer a whole new way of interacting with consumers and present their own host of design challenges.
At the Connected Health Conference in Boston last week, three healthcare developers talked about their experience developing voice apps in healthcare, and where they think the technology is going...