This morning global health nonprofit Medic Mobile launched its new health tech accelerator Medic Labs. The accelerator will be focused on providing equitable healthcare globally and using data science to propel this effort. A $3 million grant from The Rockefeller Foundation will kick off Medic Lab’s initial efforts.
Medic Lab will focus on three areas: human-centered design, data integration and...
mHealth Alliance Executive Director Patricia Mechael
Eight companies, programs and non-governmental organizations -- including one associated with former President Bill Clinton -- have received two-year "catalytic" grants to foster wider use of mobile technologies in the name of improving maternal and child health worldwide.
The mHealth Alliance, a global project founded by the United Nations...
Medic Mobile recently unveiled a SIM mobile application for healthcare at the Mobile Health Summit in Cape Town, South Africa. SIM apps are more accessible to users of a wide variety of mobile devices; they run on 80 percent of the world's mobile phones, including, importantly, inexpensive mobile phones that are popular in developing countries. Africa currently has 50 percent mobile users, but...