Android PHR apps

By  Brian Dolan 05:00 am March 28, 2013
Y-Combinator incubated company DrChrono, the EHR company currently focused exclusively on iPad- and iPhone-toting providers, has added digitized patient education content in an exclusive licensing deal with the Mayo Clinic to help its DrChrono customers fulfill the patient education component of meaningful use. DrChrono CEO and Co-Founder Michael Nusimow told MobiHealthNews during a recent...
By  Neil Versel 04:30 am May 3, 2012
The graveyard of personal health records is littered with failures large and small, but some continue to push forward, believing that conditions are finally just about right for consumers to take more control over their health data. For Cognovant, a Kansas City, Mo., startup that announced this week that it had landed $500,000 in seed funding from angel investors, interoperability is the key to...