PatientSafe bets on iPod touch as healthcare's all-in-one

By Brian Dolan
06:56 pm

PatientSafe PatientTouch iPod touchIntelliDot, which was founded in 2002, was focused on reducing medical errors and keeping patients safe. When James Sweeney became the company's CEO last year, IntelliDot rebranded and became PatientSafe Solutions. At the time Sweeney made clear the company's focus wouldn't change, but its solution set would.

This week PatientSafe Solutions unveiled its PatientTouch solution, which it created for Apple's newest iPod touch -- a WiFi-enabled device. John Halamka broke the news about PatientSafe Solutions' new offering on his Life as a Healthcare CIO blog:

"Their idea is simple - leverage the iPod Touch 4G form factor and the iOS 4 SDK to create an all in one mobile device for healthcare. Their work thus far has included medication management workflow including bedside medication verification and electronic medication admission records. Their future vision encompasses numerous aspects of nursing workflow, pre-admission testing, admission, discharge and home care."

PatientSafe has a tall order ahead of it to make the iPod touch into healthcare's all-in-one device.

"Imagine one device that is rugged, lightweight, secure, and easily cleanable for supporting medication workflow (positive patient ID, eMAR, medication verification), laboratory workflow (positive patient ID, front end labeling), alerts/reminders, and voice over IP communications via hospital WiFi networks," Halamka wrote.

Sweeney is well known in the wireless health industry -- he founded one of the first successful companies in the industry: CardioNet, which went on to become the first pure-play wireless health public company.

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More over at Life as a Healthcare CIO
