As of Tuesday Google Health was finally viewable from the mobile phone--now the company is really getting its mobile act together: The Continua Health Alliance, an industry group promoting compatibility between medical devices and online health systems, has teamed up with IBM to develop a set of interface tools for Google Health that will allow wirelessly-enabled medical devices like glucose meters, blood pressure monitors and more to stream live data directly into the Web company's personal health record (PHR). Google Health enables physicians, family members or other caregivers to access the patient's health information online as the information is updated in real-time by the connected devices. IBM and Continue have, in effect, connected Google Health to the mHealth revolution... finally. Continua's two standards for connecting medical devices are Bluetooth for wireless connections and USB for old-fashioned, wired ones.
The news comes just one day after Google Health announced that its partner Anvita had created a Mobile Viewer of the PHR for Android phones like T-Mobile USA's GI handset.
IBM integrated its Information Management, Business Intelligence and WebSphere Premises Server sensor event platform into Google Health to leverage the platform to better manage chronic disease, health and wellness as well as elderly care, according to the press release. IBM aimed to leverage the power of Services-Oriented Architectures so that partners could quickly scale their solutions for healthcare consumers with modular components.
Read the companies' press release here for more information.