Shorts: Wireless health SIG; Toshiba; CITRIS

By Brian Dolan
06:01 am

New wireless Irish group has wireless health SIG: A new wireless industry networking group, WirelessLAB, aims to promote Ireland as a center of excellence for wireless technology and provided members with a "platform to increase their visibility both at home and internationally." Among the founders is Dr. Conor Hanley, co-founder and CEO, BiancaMed, a wireless health start-up focused on medication adherence and one of the few to receive funding in 2009. More

Toshiba nurse system leverages wireless alerts: Toshiba America Information Systems unveiled a new nurse call system that integrates with mobiles: "The emergency response system can be integrated with the nurse-call system. Once an emergency situation is detected through wireless peripherals, the nurse call system, or knock-off alarm, the system alerts the caregiver through e-mail, pagers, or text messaging. Also, audio notifications can be sent to cell, wireless or desk phone, including Toshiba phones using the standard SIP technology. Notifications can be customized." More

CITRIS funding 2010: The Center for Information Technology in the Interest of Society (CITRIS) announced its new round of seed funding for 2010. CITRIS previously funded the cell scopes that make it possible for cell phone cameras to do remote diagnosis in resource poor areas. (According to this report, these phones are going to be used during a field trial in Mexico.) CITRIS' "seed funding supports high risk high impact projects that are novel in their approach and may be able to attract larger scale grants from Federal, state funding agencies, or the private sector." More
