Ephraim Schwartz

By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:03 am November 20, 2014
A look at the technological challenges and impediments to ubiquitous telehealth as well as the reasons that healthcare providers should be optimistic about the future.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:07 am November 13, 2014
A wireless drug tracking system saved Fletcher Allen money and other resources. But the real catalyst for implementation was far more important.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 07:54 am November 6, 2014
Apple, Google and Microsoft are driving platforms that at least have the potential to rattle the healthcare landscape, but two companies already have offerings gaining traction with providers.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:02 am October 30, 2014
A look at emerging cloud-based upstarts –- and advice about picking the vendor or service that best meets your needs.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:07 am October 13, 2014
"Mobile first, desktop second" is poised to become a new mantra for healthcare providers. Here's how one large facility made mobile first happen, and a look at the benefits it's reaping already.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:09 am October 6, 2014
The industry is lagging in terms of mobile apps and websites, and by moving slowly, companies might be missing numerous significant opportunities.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:17 am September 2, 2014
The industry and technologies still have a long way to go. Here's a look at what questions to ask before purchasing mHealth security tools.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 09:37 am August 28, 2014
Cybercriminals are looking at mobile apps and devices as a way into hospitals' IT networks. Here's a look at what to know and do to prevent it from happening to you.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:11 am August 11, 2014
A trio of products for collecting brain waves and transmitting that data back to doctors promises to improve outcomes, cut costs via prevention and bolster patients' quality of life.
By  Ephraim Schwartz 08:05 am August 5, 2014
The alliance brings together technologies to turn a user's intentions into commands or even a request for caregiver assistance.