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As health plans navigate the changes to our health care system, including the role of new technologies, thousands of health care stakeholders will connect, converge, and collaborate at Institute 2013, June 12-14.
General Sessions:
Meeting Expectations in a Changing Health Care System: Stakeholder Perspectives
George C. Halvorson, Chairman/CEO, Kaiser Permanente
Cavan M. Redmond, MS, Chief Executive Officer, WebMD
Shared Risk, Shared Opportunities: Cost Containment Strategies for An Evolving Marketplace
Delos M. Cosgrove, MD, Chief Executive Officer and President, Cleveland Clinic
Where Technology, Genomics and Consumerism Can Take Health Care
Eric J. Topol, MD, Gary and Mary West Endowed Chair of Innovative Medicine, Scripps Translational Science Institute; Cardiologist; Geneticist
Frontline Payer-Provider Innovations Transforming Local Care Delivery
Jeffrey Brenner, MD, Executive Director, Camden Coalition of Health Care Providers
Glenn Steele, MD, PhD, President & CEO, Geisinger Health System
Accelerating Disruptive Innovation throughout Health Care
Margaret Anderson, Executive Director, FasterCures/The Center for Accelerating Medical Solutions
Nicholas LaRusso, MD, Medical Director, Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
Susan E. Siegel, CEO, healthymagination, General Electric Company
Health Care in the States: Opportunities and Challenges Confronting the Nation’s Governors
Concurrent and Breakfast Tracks Include:
Leveraging Technology and Data Analytics to Enhance Care
Driving Value through Improved Operations
Collaborating Beyond Traditional Boundaries: Stakeholder Initiatives to Drive Change in the System
Advancing New Business Models, Capabilities and Innovation for a New Health Care Ecosystem
The Nexus of Consumerism, Retail and Health Care: Thriving in a Consumer-Centric Marketplace
3 Ps in Care Delivery Transformation: Payment Reform, Population Health, and Prevention
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