Amazon Alexa skill

By  Laura Lovett 01:55 pm November 13, 2019
Japanese pharma Eisai Co.'s subsidiary Eisai Inc. is rolling out a new skill on Amazon Alexa developed specifically to target children with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS), a rare and severe form of epilepsy.  Dubbed Ella the Jellyfish, the underwater-themed platform includes interactive games such as "Freeze Dance" and "Color Hunt." It also provides users access to music and meditation services. ...
By  Dave Muoio 03:32 pm October 17, 2017
A new skill for Amazon's Alexa voice assistant will direct New York patients to convenient emergency and urgent care locations with the shortest waits. The voice-powered Northwell Health skill can be downloaded for free by anyone using an Alexa-enabled device. By addressing the Alexa, the skill responds to users with the address of the closest Northwell hospital emergency department or GoHealth...