Apple made big waves at its last September special event by announcing — concurrent with FDA's announcement of its clearance — an ECG reader built into the Apple Watch Series 4. Now, according to a leaked training document obtained by MacRumors, that feature is set to go live in the next WatchOS update, version 5.1.2, due out before the year's end.
While the Watch itself has been on sale since...
AliveCor has launched (and received FDA clearance for) a new ECG sensor built into an Apple Watch strap, as well as an Apple Watch app on which users can see their ECG in near real-time.
The strap, called KardiaBand, is an upgraded version of a product that launched in Europe last year. But in addition to the band, AliveCor is launching SmartRhythm, a software that continuously measures heart...
This morning, San Francisco-based AliveCor rebranded its AliveCor Mobile ECG device as Kardia Mobile and unveiled a second, upcoming hardware product, an Apple Watch strap that can take electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) readings, called KardiaBand. The strap is not yet commercially available because it still needs to secure FDA-clearance.
AliveCor also announced new features for the Kardia Mobile...