big data healthcare analytics

Iomed Medical Solution CEO Javier de Oca talks to HIMSS TV
By  HIMSS TV 03:40 pm September 26, 2018
*/ Focus on Innovation In September, we take a deep dive into the cutting-edge development and disruption of healthcare innovation.
By  Jonah Comstock 06:29 am February 11, 2013
When IBM's Watson supercomputer took down Jeopardy champ Ken Jennings just about two years ago, IBM let slip that Watson's next gig would be as a voice-enabled physician's assistant. Now IBM is giving us a little more information, releasing a video demo that shows how Watson might help an oncologist diagnose and treat a cancer patient. The demo, which warns that it's "not necessarily a direct...
By  Brian Dolan 04:23 am May 10, 2012
Soon enough people will be able to record a snipped of their own heart sounds, upload it to an analytics engine through a smartphone app, and receive a diagnosis. Sort of like a Shazam app for heart sounds. That is, at least, according to Steinar Pedersen, Founder of Tromso Telemedicine Consult, who made the prediction -- among many others -- during his closing keynote Monday afternoon at the...