Bulletin Healthcare

By  Brian Dolan 12:46 pm February 8, 2012
Among the many physician specialties, urologists seem to be one group that is very likely to be using a smartphone. That was one of the conclusions that could be drawn from a survey published last year by Bulletin Healthcare, which found that only physician assistants, emergency room physicians, and cardiologists were more likely to use their mobile devices to keep up with industry news. Bulletin...
By  Brian Dolan 04:49 am April 8, 2011
Email-based medical news journal Bulletin Healthcare dug into its user data recently and found that three in ten of its healthcare professional readers access industry news from their mobile device. Between June 2010 and February 2011, mobile readership of Bulletin Healthcare’s daily email briefings rose 45 percent. Since the company's subscribers account for about half the practicing physicians...