Google Dengue Trends

By  Jonah Comstock 12:53 pm August 21, 2015
Google Flu Trends, as a website open to the general public, has shut down. The Google Flu Trends team will continue to track flu patterns based on search history, but it will now provide that data directly to public health researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, Boston Children’s Hospital, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Influenza Division....
By  Jonah Comstock 06:53 am November 20, 2013
Google made big news recently when it announced Google Calico, a new venture that would apply "some longer term, moonshot thinking around healthcare and biotechnology," putting the minds at Google toward the problems of aging and illness. Calico is far from Google's first venture into health or wellness, however. The company's (ultimately failed) PHR venture Google Health was one high profile...