Jamie Heywood

By  Jonah Comstock 04:18 am October 1, 2013
Susannah Fox Self-tracking is gaining traction, and data-driven wellness companies are thriving, but that trend is still falling short of what people with chronic conditions -- the largest draw on our national healthcare resources -- really need. That was the message hidden among the hype at the Health 2.0 opening sessions in Santa Clara this week, where Susannah Fox from the Pew Internet...
By  Jonah Comstock 12:47 pm April 17, 2013
PatientsLikeMe Vice President for Advocacy Sally Okun spoke at TEDMED about the idea of building a "patient lexicon" to make it as easy for patients to talk about their conditions and compare notes as it is for doctors. "As a pallative care nurse, much of my time was spent in the homes of patients. Sometimes it simply was about giving them the opportunity to say to me 'Is this normal?' 'Do other...