mobile data collection

By  Dave Muoio 02:43 pm September 26, 2017
Patients deciding the next step of their care may soon be doing so with the help of an AI on their phone. Today, Insightin Health — a Gaithersburg, Maryland-based company that develops a data-based clinical decision-making platform — announced that it has launched a consumer-facing version of its machine learning-based service, which presents all of a user's health data and future options via a...
By  Dave Muoio 12:18 pm September 14, 2017
Despite early interest and clinical potential, a recently published literature review suggests that additional research into adherence and engagement is still needed to confirm whether diagnoses of mood disorders using smartphone voice recording strategies have a place in healthcare. In the study, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center researchers...
By  Jonah Comstock 10:22 am July 13, 2015
When Apple first announced ResearchKit, it was met with a fair amount of skepticism about whether the data collected via smartphones would be robust enough to be useful. But just a few scant months after that announcement, it seems many in healthcare are at least paying attention to the possibilities of smartphone-based data collection in general and ResearchKit in particular. Last week the...