Qualcomm Wireless Reach Initiative

By  Brian Dolan 05:11 am September 8, 2011
Qualcomm has partnered with Life Care Networks and the Community Health Association of China to launch a mobile health project in underserved communities in China to provide prevention services and care services for cardiovascular diseases. The project, which is part of Qualcomm's Wireless Reach initiative, will make use of China Telecom's 3G network. According to the World Health Organization,...
By  Neil Versel 01:58 pm February 9, 2011
Results of a pilot study of a mobile app meant to improve medication compliance among chronically ill, low-income patients are mixed but encouraging, the pilot's facilitators announced at an event MobiHealthNews attended in Washington, DC this week. The study, funded by a grant from Qualcomm’s Wireless Reach initiative and conducted at the George Washington University Medical Center, found that a...