Research In Motion

By  Brian Dolan 09:55 am April 15, 2014
Waterloo, Ontario-based BlackBerry (formerly known as Research In Motion) announced this week an investment in Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong's digital health rollup NantHealth, which boasts that about 250 hospitals are now using its cloud-based, clinical decision support platform. The dollar amount of the investment was not disclosed. BlackBerry and NantHealth haven't yet finalized the specific details...
By  Jonah Comstock 11:20 am March 21, 2013
Mike Lazaridis and Doug Fregin, cofounders of BlackBerry (formerly Research in Motion, Inc.) have a new initiative: a $100 million, highly selective investment fund called Quantum Valley Investments. The firm will be based in Waterloo, Ontario, the area Lazaridis hopes will become a "Quantum Valley," the next-generation answer to Silicon Valley, and will be focused on supporting "quantum...
By  Jonah Comstock 02:46 am March 5, 2013
In the month since BlackBerry's global rollout of the Z10, the first smartphone running on its new operating system, began, BlackBerry has built a steady stream of hype about its daunting would-be comeback, with reports coming in that half of Canadian buyers and one third of purchasers in the UK are switching over from Apple or Android. At HIMSS in New Orleans, Vice President for Global Sales...
By  Jonah Comstock 03:49 pm January 30, 2013
Research in Motion (RIM) finally renamed itself "BlackBerry" after its signature product, even as it launched its much-awaited iPhone/Android competitor: the BlackBerry 10 operating system, touchscreen BlackBerry Z10 and keyboard-equipped BlackBerry Q10. The launch has been described as a Hail Mary pass for the struggling company, a last chance for a comeback that the company hopes could put it...
By  Brian Dolan 05:02 am April 10, 2012
There was a time that BlackBerry devices were the most popular for physicians in the United States. The last time BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion (RIM) could convincingly claim to be the favorite device of doctors was probably May 2010. Back then Manhattan Research's Taking the Pulse survey found that iPhone and BlackBerry adoption among MDs was neck and neck. By May 2011 the research firm...
By  Brian Dolan 05:07 am September 8, 2011
By many accounts BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion is on the ropes. Early last year RIM's devices were far and away the most popular smartphones among US smartphone users. Analyst firm comScore found that the company had about 42 percent of the US smartphone market in February 2011. Apple, Google, Microsoft trailed. Fast forward to July 2011: The Nielsen Company found that RIM's marketshare in...
By  Brian Dolan 12:28 pm December 15, 2010
About 78 percent of home health care agency CEOs want their workforces to begin using mobile solutions, according to mobile-enabled home healthcare company Celltrak. Already about 10 percent of home care aids use some type of mobile device at work today. With more than 50,000 daily home health care users, Celltrak is seeing a lot of traction with its mobile offering. The company launched in 2006...
By  Brian Dolan 01:33 pm September 29, 2010
It's not called the BlackPad (as the rumor mill has affectionately called it for the past few months), but BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion has indeed unveiled a new tablet, called PlayBook. During the BlackBerry event where the PlayBook launched last week, RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis billed the company's new device as the first "professional" tablet. The tablet won't hit the market until early...
By  Brian Dolan 11:32 am July 6, 2010
By the end of this year, the total market for handheld devices in healthcare will reach $8.8 billion, according to a new report from Kalorama Information. The market is expected to grow 7 percent , the firm's recent report: "Handhelds in Healthcare: The World Market for PDAs, Tablet PCs, Handheld Monitors, & Scanners" predicts. Total sales for patient monitoring tools hit $5.3 billion last...
By  Brian Dolan 08:41 am June 15, 2010
Boston-based Caritas Christi Health Care announced today that it had tapped MedAptus for its BlackBerry-based charge capture service. MedAptus' offering, called Intelligent Charge Capture Practice Plus Edition on BlackBerry captures physician inpatient charges at the point-of-care. Caritas Christi is also using MedAptus Facility Edition for capturing outpatient clinic charges, beginning with...