Robert Miller, executive director of technical research at AT&T is showing off AT&T's "smart slippers" prototype here at ATA 2010 in San Antonio, according to a report in Healthcare IT News. We have written about Miller’s smart innersole project a number of times in the past: AT&T, Texas Instruments and New York-based start-up 24Eight have created smart innersoles that can tell how...
One in three people 65-years-old and older fall each year, and more than 300,000 hip fractures occur each year, mostly caused by falls, according to the Centers for Disease Control. What's more: one in five people die within a year of breaking their hip. Existing devices that aid those who fall enable them to call for help after the fall, in other words, once the damage has been done. Another...
"These days, everybody is talking about medical care: Who gets it? Who pays for it? Who decides?" Robert Miller, executive director of technical research at AT&T, told the Star Ledger in a recent interview. Miller is a veteran of the wireless carrier's research labs. "But few people are working on a technology solution that would lower costs and make medical care better at the same time."...