By  Dave Muoio 02:54 pm April 22, 2020
Real-world evidence platforms Aetion and HealthVerity are playing to their strengths with the joint launch of new tools to support biopharmas and regulators gauging new COVID-19 treatments. The first, called the Real-Time Evidence Platform, is built on an instance of Aetion's platform and focuses on up-to-date usage, safety and effectiveness data. The Real-Time Trend Reporting and Interactive...
By  Brian Dolan 06:00 pm September 22, 2010
Some quick hits and memorable quotes from Informa's second annual Mobile Healthcare Industry Summit in London, UK this week: Chuck Parker, Executive Director, Continua Alliance: "Right now the market is focused on devices and services for chronic disease management. But longer term, we need to shift that focus onto supporting people who are healthy and well, too. We need to provide them with the...