By  Laura Lovett 03:11 pm March 7, 2019
After a child with a complex condition has been hospitalized and continuously monitored by high-tech devices, it can be a rude awakening for parents when they are sent home with a binder and a pencil to record progress, according to Dr. Jeff Vergales, a pediatric cardiologist at UVA Children’s Hospital.  The University of Virginia is aiming to tackle this problem with a program called Building...
By  Laura Lovett 02:50 pm February 27, 2019
Yesterday the University of Virginia announced a new effort to expand its telehealth program, with a special focus on chronic disease care.  The initiative, funded by a $750,000 grand from the CDC and the Virginia Department of Health, is set to expand or pilot six new telemedicine initiatives.  Two will focus on diabetes, including a remote blood sugar monitoring program for people with Type 2...