This week, the Cochrane Library published a review of mobile messaging-based smoking cessation interventions. The report found that, based on five studies, with a total of more than 9,000 participants, smokers who used mobile messaging interventions were twice as likely to make it six months without smoking than those who didn't.
"We can’t say from the result that this means all text messaging...
This past week, Apple published more than 240 apps to the health and medical categories of its AppStore. By our count, 132 of those published to the consumer health & fitness category, and we found 112 apps in the medical category. While these numbers are high, it should come as no surprise that a significant amount of them are either not in English or not at all health related.
Of the 47 smoking cessation applications available to iPhone users back in June 2009, few if any adhered to the US Public Health Service's 2008 Clinical Practice Guidelines for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence, a study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine this month concluded.
"Apps identified for smoking cessation were found to have low levels of adherence to key...