video chat consultations

By  Jonah Comstock 06:51 am November 28, 2012
Myca Health company Hello Health raised $11.5 million this week in a round led by First Generational Capital. Hello Health just raised $10 million raised in February, which brings the subsidiary's total funding in 2012 to $21.5 million. Hello Health said the money would be used for meeting increased demand for its free EHR system, notable for its patient-facing component, including a subscription...
By  Chris Gullo 07:24 am September 13, 2011
AT&T announced this week a collaborative study with The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office of Minority Health and the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) to evaluate the effectiveness of using mHealth applications for Diabetes Self-Management Training (DSMT) in underserved populations. DSMT is a system in which diabetics and those at-risk learn the skills...
By  Brian Dolan 06:56 pm July 28, 2010
The Wall Street Journal published a feature on wireless health services and devices that payers across the country are currently piloting, including a note that in January Humana "will launch a program to track heart patients' vital signs wirelessly and link them up via video to chat with nurses if appropriate." Perhaps the most interesting trend highlighted in the WSJ report is video chats...