Savonix Mobile

By  Dean Koh 12:00 am October 26, 2020
San Francisco-based cognitive assessment app maker Savonix announced the launch of its  Japanese website, The website explains the science behind Savonix’s brain health platform.  It highlights ways the company can provide cognitive health and data insights to support people and companies in Japan to monitor brain health, understand risk factors for developing dementia and take steps...
By  Heather Mack 11:31 pm October 11, 2016
San Francisco-based Savonix announced the global launch of their cognitive assessment app, Savonix Mobile. The app is accessible on any mobile device, and aims to eliminate the need for pen-and-paper exams to screen for cognitive function. The app was also created to serve as the vehicle for providers, patients and patients to easily incorporate the data into treatment planning and decision-...