Autism app

Cognoa child development assessment app for autism
By  Dave Muoio 12:34 pm August 27, 2018
In May, a pair of studies were published in the journals Autism Research and the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) that evaluated Cognoa’s artificial intelligence-based tool for early identification of autism in children. While both investigations suggest that the tool’s performance significantly exceeded those of other standardized screeners, comparing the two...
By  Laura Lovett 04:12 pm May 15, 2018
Earlier this month Otsimo, a digital health startup focused on developmental disorders, rolled out an expansion of its app in the US to help kids with autism, down syndrome, and other cognitive learning disorders.  The Turkish startup offers more than 50 different games through its app that target specific areas of development. For example, the app lets kids focus on specific skills such as...