Africa mHealth

By  Laura Lovett 03:45 pm January 29, 2020
Update: HIMSS20 has been canceled due to the coronavirus. Read more here. Telemedicine efforts have been cropping up across the world with the goal of bringing specialty care to more underserved regions.  One such example comes from Yaya Mbaoua, CEO of The Mbaoua Group, which has been an integral part of a pilot program to bring telemedicine to Zimbabwe. He will be speaking about his experiences...
By  Chris Gullo 07:59 am August 19, 2011
The MedKenya Android App It's widely accepted that the rise of low-cost smartphones in developing nations will play an important role in accelerating mHealth adoption. An Android-based smartphone called IDEOS that retails for $80, developed by Chinese manufacturer Huawei, has already reached more than 350,000 users in Kenya. According to a new article by Jeremy Ford for Singularity Hub, these...
By  Brian Dolan 04:36 am March 23, 2010
Open standards and interoperability are key to mobile health offerings scaling in developing markets, Ericsson's head of sustainability and corporate responsibility Elaine Weidman told the Financial Times in a recent interview. “Vertical solutions cannot be scaled because vertical solutions look at one business model and don’t look at consumer convenience and flexibility,” US-based C-SAM's CEO...