TEDMED: OMB, Qualcomm, Intel and more

By Brian Dolan
05:58 am

Ezekiel Emanuel, Special Advisor for health Policy, OMB(Pictured on Left) Ezekiel Emanuel, Special Advisor for Health Policy, OMB, Executive Office of President Obama.

The organizers of TEDMED managed to get Emanuel to close out the second day of the event with a sit-down discussion, however, he was under strict orders not to discuss health reform. Emanuel, instead, discussed health systems generally, vaguely described his relationship with his brother, Rahm Emanuel and admitted he no longer eats any of the food he grew up on.

Finally, Emanuel said he did not believe that patients are willing to give up much of their time to monitor their health and become more empowered. Emanuel said that in 20 years physicians will still retain the same role they always have.

Slide 1 - Dr. Phillip Low, Founder, Chairman and CEO of NeuroVigil

Neuro Vigil Wireless EEG Demonstration with Marc Hodosh

Dr. Phillip Low, Founder, Chairman and CEO of NeuroVigil with event organizers Richard Saul Wurman and Marc Hodosh. Pictured top left is a live feed EEG broadcasting from the wireless sensor worn by Hodosh

Low convinced TEDMED organizer Marc Hodosh to don an EEG sensor and livestream his brainwave to his smartphone. Low also instructed Hodosh to blink so that the audience could see the change in his brainwaves in real-time. NeuroVigil aims to use this system to help people monitor for sleep disorders and other neuropathologies.
